Wednesday, March 08, 2006

I'm having one of those "down weeks". I'm not entirely sure why though because on Monday I went downtown with Andrea to shop and then we met up with Jono, Chris and Erika for some dinner and a great game of darts. But now im depressed, stressed and getting a little bit sick. Life has been such a high lately that I kind of forgot to have my quiet time with God, ya I still spent time in prayer but I wasn't in constant converation with God. Somtimes it is so easy to neglect your quiet time when you live in a christian bubble, and mine is rather large, church, christian school and two jobs with christian organizations. Now don't get me wrong I don't want to come off complaining, I guess my point is mainly for myself, I need to get up off my spirtually lazy butt and get back to God. I have let so many things in my life drag since I got back from my trip, I haven't been able to focus in school, my midterm marks are disgusting! I haven't really started one of the five papers that I need to finish, plus I still haven't started to look for a place to live in may. I am not sure where my motivation went but I need to find it soon, before this goes on any longer, and I know where it will start.... I need to start with God.


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