Saturday, March 11, 2006

So like i said last nite... actually more like early this morn, I was gonna go downtown and have some alone time. And I did and it was great. The sun is shining, its so warm outside. I walked up and down yonge street looking in store windows, listening to Chris Tomlin on my Mp3 player. I really needed to get out, you know back to reality.. a place that wasn't church or Tyndale. I am already starting to feel better, I feel motivated to actually do some homework and possible even clean the apartment, I know that my roomates would really like that! As I walked in my own silence I started to sort through my feelings, I realized that its not that I have do desire to do anything... Im actually trying to do too much and when it comes time to things like homework I just have no energy left. I haven't decided if I need to cut something out of my life or just manage my time better but I do plan to make some sort of changes to my daily and weekly routines.

Oh and on a side note: Many already know this but I decided to give up watching the TV show FRIENDS for Lent. Now you may be thinking what kind of sacrifice is that? Well my roomate owns seven seasons and I own one and together we would watch this show pretty much every waking moment that we had.. so as its been over week now, i feel good about it, i spend less time on front of the TV, i do miss the show but not bad enough that Im drivin to thinking about how much i miss it.
Well I should probably go start my history paper or something......


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