Last time I dropped a blog leaving a message saying that there are no words, well this time there a words...ones that come along with a very different perspective. Looking back to the my first few weeks as summer staff at Muskoka woods I realized that I was going solo... which isn't so bad if you are in a canoe but..... but im talking about my life. The last time that I rememeber going solo I had a very diffficult time find peace. During the first few weeks of camp I was struggling to find my place amoung the great number of very different people. Two weeks while sitting in my bible study ( BS) I was flipping through my bible sorta not paying attention and I came across a very appropiate verse. 2nd Corinthians 12: 9 ~ "My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness." Finding this verse put a huge smile on my face, it made me remember that God is in control of my life and that he had intended for me to be at the woods this summer. I may not know or understand his intentions right now but I know that they will be made clear to me when the time is right. God's timing is sometimes hard to understand, sometimes I just wish that he and I used the same clock.... but that is what faith is all about.
Sunday, August 06, 2006
Previous Posts
- Though the cherry trees don't blossom and the s...
- 1 cup panic, 3 cups stress, and probably a huge pi...
- OUCH!!!!!!! So today was the Tyndale Alumni Day, w...
- I love this poem. Its called Easter WingsLord, who...
- all in a day...... so lately life has been pretty ...
- Why do people hide when the are struggling? Especi...
- OkSo its a new time im in my life,which calls for ...
- Last time I dropped a blog leaving a message sayin...
- There are no words.
- Things have been going well up at the woods. I ha...