Thursday, November 09, 2006

Why do people hide when the are struggling? Especially from family? Our family is supposed to be the one group of people you can go to not be made fun of or ridiculed for telling the truth. So how far will people go concealing their feelings from others, or how far will the others go on not bringing up important issues that could possibly change someone's life? These past two days have been very hard on my family, a member of my extended family decided that it was better to end their own life, then to search for help in other lives. What caused it to get to this point. Just yesterday I find out that there are several members of my extended family who suffered with depression, no one talks about it. No one celebrates the healing. And this constant silence left this other depressed person with nothing, not even a glimpse of hope from other success stories. So what did they do?, the one thing that they felt they could still control.... their physical life. Its sad, myself and the rest of the family were very hurt. I don't normally cry, but the thought of someone very close to me wanting to take their life is horrible. More horrible that disease or sickness, at least those things come on God's timing, but not suicide. I can't help but blame myself, maybe if I had been more aware of the dark msn nic names, or at Thanksgiving if I had taken time to talk this person. But I know its not my fault, not even a little bit, but pointing blame makes this situation so much easier. Things will never be back to the way they used to be but at least now there is an understanding amoung the family, we will no longer suffer in silence.


Blogger ~*Trisha*~ said...

Hey hun,
Just wanted to tell you that this was a good post. I know how heartbreaking situations like this have been and I know we have talked about this a lot already, but still ... know that I am praying for you and your family. May God use this tragedy to bring about positive change in all the lives of your family members. Love you.

3:27 PM  

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