Thursday, June 15, 2006

Things have been going well up at the woods. I have been here for almost three weeks. I spent this past weekend in Toronto staying at Andrea's house, ( she wasn't there so i missed her) I feel bad for her mother and sister though, I ate some chinese food that didn't agree with me and lets just say it didn't remain in my stomach. But other than that it was a pretty good weekend. I went to the Good shepherd BBQ, and then drove back up to the woods with Terri and Amanda. This week has been going well, I spend my days down at the water front teaching canoeing to school groups. Its a pretty sweet job, I teach them a lesson, help them load into the water and then just sit back and watch them play around in the water and tip there canoes. Its great when they target their teachers. Over these past three weeks I have come to a conclusion that teachers are the worst examples for the students. Almost all of the teachers that have joined in for my canoeing activity have broken all the rules that I have set in place. One of them even told me that He was a bad a example. How can we expect the children to act properly if they see their teachers acting up? I tell you its very annoying. Two weeks ago I had a teacher stand up in canoe, yell hey look at me and pretended to surf. I told him once to stop he didn't so I yelled at him " I dont care if you are a teacher, you don't break the rules!"... it was quite interesting. But the principle was with me and he didn't seem to mind that I yelled at one of his teachers. Well in ten mintues I will have another three groups come to canoeing for the afternoon. I need to go and un lock the canoes.


Blogger Cato said...

Crazy Canadians...

3:00 PM  
Blogger Adam said...

Yeah... so... for the record... Andi and I have our one month (well, since our first date) this Friday... You can come, but we may need some... um... "along time" at some point. I'll say something like "So, the tigers are eating the palm trees." That will be our code for you to go to the bathroom. Word.

7:03 PM  
Blogger Adam said...

Hey Steph,

Andi told me that you smell. And that apparently you and I are sharing a bed tomorrow night.

I say we kick Andi out and have a pillow fight.

8:35 PM  
Blogger ~*Trisha*~ said...

Where's the part about how much fun you had hanging out with me before you started barfing everywhere???? Hmmmm????

Love you Steph! Feel better!

8:33 PM  

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