Friday, November 10, 2006

all in a day...... so lately life has been pretty drastic for me, I haven't had good news in a long time. So today I get some news (1) Muskoka Woods said they would take me back if I committed to the winter. (2) I found a job for the christmas season. (3) I actually got some homework done today....... but I still need to get my butt into gear. Okay so things are looking up, but now I need to make some decisions. Some say don't go back to the woods, some say ya you should if its what you want. It is what I want, but is it right? I mean I have had no luck in terms of moving to toronto right now. My parents constantly remind me that there is no money at the woods, but there is happiness, community and friendship. I feel safe there, and if rec ministry is what I am suppose to do then I just need to hang in there and fight for what I want. So at this point I dont know, but things are looking up for me.


Blogger ~*Trisha*~ said...

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3:28 PM  
Blogger ~*Trisha*~ said...

May this upcoming winter season be exactly what you need it to be and what God wants it to be in your life. You can do it. I have faith in you and your abilities.
Love you!

3:29 PM  
Blogger Unknown said...

I'll be thinking and praying for ya. I know making the call is the hardest thing but always listen to what God and your heart is saying. As cheesy as it sounds money doesn't buy happiness.

9:17 PM  

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