Saturday, May 20, 2006

SO this past week I have spent each day from 830- 430 in a course called 'King David Text and Interpretation' taught by one of my favorite profs, Dr. Bodner. This course was awesome, we explored the story of King David from the rejection of Saul till the installation of Solomon as his heir. For the most part the class went well but when you spend 7 hours in a hard chair trying to take notes... you go a little crazy, thank goodness Bodner gave us many short breaks throughout the day. Apart from learning about King David we also got an extensive lesson on what is the 'hot' in entertainment today. According to Dr Bodner in chapter 15 of 2nd Samuel Absalom was gaining support and everyone loved him 'just like Kevin Federline'!. Another favorite quote referred to when King Saul was trying to kill david and Bodner said , 'David is in trouble, T -R-O-U-B-L-E, pink. (I hope all of you manage to get this joke) And last but not least when he talked about how Michal Loved David ( this is the only instance of where we read in the Deuteronomistic History that woman loved a man) Bodner said 'ladies and gentlemen Hillary Duff, the beat of my heart!' (now this could be double voiced speech, meaning that this statement meant more than what Bodner intended because the in this song she sings "the beat of my heart it tears us apart" just like Michal is torn away from David, Bodner may not have known the lyrics to this song). Okay sorry about all the learning that I am trying force upon you, I guess I just need to dump it somewhere.

Last Night I went and saw Kinky boots.... it was very funny! I am looking forward to seeing Xmen 3 , Pirates and Superman. It should be a good summer. Oh and last night I concluded that I have seen more movies in the month of may then i did in all of 2005. Wow - Andrea we need to do other things!

Today I am going downtown to shop, it should be good.


Blogger Cato said...

How about going to a Newsboys concert.

11:50 AM  

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