Thursday, March 23, 2006

I got it back! My body has made numerous sacfrices but its back! I gave myself the goal of finishing my English paper by wed nite, and I did it.... well technically I worked until 4 am...but its done.... a week early two. So what did I get back you may be wondering... well its my motivation to work. I had lost it there for a while... it was gone but the stess wasn't, but now I feel this great sense of peace. However I am extremely echausted, I woke up this morning with a stomach ache and a massive head ache... maybe I drank too much tea last nite.... Anyways I am looking forward to this weekend it should be pretty awesome. Friday nite is a Rapters game with the YG (someone remind me to bring my camera) , im not even really into watching basketball games but with our bunch of kids... you can't not have fun ( i know double negative)!!! And on saturday I m going shopping and out for dinner with my roomates... goodtimes.
On anther topic, today is picture day at school so I decided that the least I could do is wash my hair and put on a clean shirt.. its funny people have told me that I look good today, but I usually look the same everyday I really didn't put any extra effort into my appearace today... does that mean that I really don't look good and people are just saying it because its picture day and they assume that I tried to? Man that would suck!!!
ah well
what can you do!~
later........ ps Hi Trisha.... Amanda... Andrea.... and anyone else who reads this!!


Blogger manda panda said...

Hahaha, HI Steph!
Make sure you post your school pic so we can all see how good you looked today! Love ya!

4:08 PM  
Blogger ~*Trisha*~ said...

Happy day... 2 blogs in a row mention me! I am so honoured! Being friends with you is such a special treat :) (haha that sounds so cheezy, but I do love being friends with you) Have an awesome day darling

11:36 AM  

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