Thursday, March 23, 2006

Excuse me sir.. can you pass me that canoeing stick? Hey guess what, I'm going to be the canoeing instructor at the WOODS this summer, fun eh? Upon hearing this new I have decided to start taking up canoeing. If figured I should start with buying my very own canoe, I went to the canoe store today (MEC) and looked at them, they were a little out of my price range but I bought one anyways. I picked the plastic one that looks little bit like a shoe that Princess Jazmine might wear. I asked the sales clerk if they could wrap and put it in a bag for me, he looked at me strangely.... now im thinkin, is it too much to ask for my purchases to be conviently put into a bag for me? I gave up and decided to put it on my head and walk out of the store, I headed down king street back to the subway. It was bit tricky getting it on as I wasn't allowed, but I told the TTC dude that is wasn't a canoe.... and he believed me! Anyways on the subway I was left with a moral dilemma, should I take up three seats with my canoe or stand akwardly with it in the corner, I took option C instead. I sat in my canoe and I invited other people to join me. No one did, and they kept telling me that is wasn;t a canoe, I was confused but then I caught on... they we in on it too, just like I told the TTC dude that is wasn't a canoe..the friendly people were helping me out!! So I finally reach finch station, climb on a bus, still using the same story 'but sir its not a canoe' and it worked again. As I passed center point mall ( yonge and steeles) I realized that I needed a book about canoeing.. I hopped off the bus with my rather large purchase and entred the mall in a hunt for the book store. I started to feel like the John Locke of lost as he hunted wild boare... his weapon a knife, my weapon a canoe, his jungle....well actually a jungle... my jungle well a mall full of people that I am trying very hard not to whack with Princess's Jazmines shoe. I finally caught my wild boar ( the ABCs of canoeing) I headed home with anticpation for reading my new book and testing out my new canoe!!! I rushed in the door, slide my canoe down the steps and hopped on the couch and opened the reading material that MEC provided me with.... it read " Getting started with your New Kayak"....huh what a funny name for a canoe, most people give their boats a girls name.......


Blogger manda panda said...

I have no idea whether that was the truth or a farce. In any event, it was entertaining to read. Hope you have a great time at the Woods this weekend! I'll be at Head Office! Talk to you later! Love and stuff!

9:38 AM  
Blogger manda panda said...

I forgot to mention that you've been officially inducted into the "Amanda's 'bloggin buddies'" list. Lucky girl.

10:17 AM  
Blogger ~*Trisha*~ said...

Oh Steph!

How I love reading your blogs. I laughed the entire way through this one. I can't wait till our next hang out!

11:34 AM  
Blogger Cato said...

Tell be how many people you DON'T drown!!!

9:24 PM  

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