Friday, March 31, 2006

Fwd: fwd Please do this..... I am so sick of recieving those stupid banana republic gift card emails!!! AHHHHH the next person that sends one to me is gonna see me in a very scary way! Honestly folks...stop falling for it, nothing is EVER free. I mean think about it, the last time you clicked on one of those "Click here for a free Ipod" did you actually get one ...NO cause you hafta participate in one of their fantastic online offers first!! FRIG! Oh and whats the deal with the whole "you are our 100000000000 viewer for this page, click here to claim your prize... then you get the screen call this 1 800 number before your time runs out to get your prize. This one time I actually sat there and watched the time run, then I clicked refresh and it started all over again. SO does this mean that everyone is a winner? Ofcourse everyone is a friggin winner when you have pay to "WIN" your prize. Oh and to respond to Andrea's blog on junk mail....EVERY day I get some spam from a different name offering me a walmart gift card!!!!!!!!!!!!! its so annoying! --> OH and one more thing.... DONT SEND ME FORWARDS - unless it is something extremely important....but then again if it is... IM SURE I WILL HEAR ABOUT IT ON MY OWN....ITS CALLED THE NEWS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! wow I feel much better now.


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