Monday, May 29, 2006

Hey so Im up at the woods now! Its good time, its flippin hot here tho, I talked to some of the locals and they have told me that today is the hottest day, I guess its because finally im here! Oh ya! So anyways this week there is a group up from Windsor and they are a french school so that means that they are not allowed to speak any english to us. So some of the staff are trying figure out ways to get these kids to speak english. It should be good times.
So we arrived last night around 1130, I woke up this morning at 730 got down to the dinning hall for 830 only to find out that breakfast had been pushed back until 9 am. Not amused. I spent the morning helping out with house keeping, it was good times, washed some dirty nasty toilets, mopped some icky floors.... but it was good because we were able to help out the awesome house keeping staff! Then lunch came and I expected that I would be working in the afternoon but when I looked at the schedule i saw that I had the whole afternoon off. A break! A break from what? I exclaimed... followed by the decision to just take it easy. I actually ended up in the hanger with Jono and his buddies, I had a good time talking to his mother, she is a delightful lady. Ya so now i still have three hours left until im due in the kitchen to help with the dinner dishes. Its good to be back, this summer will rock, have fun at YG without me!

Saturday, May 20, 2006

SO this past week I have spent each day from 830- 430 in a course called 'King David Text and Interpretation' taught by one of my favorite profs, Dr. Bodner. This course was awesome, we explored the story of King David from the rejection of Saul till the installation of Solomon as his heir. For the most part the class went well but when you spend 7 hours in a hard chair trying to take notes... you go a little crazy, thank goodness Bodner gave us many short breaks throughout the day. Apart from learning about King David we also got an extensive lesson on what is the 'hot' in entertainment today. According to Dr Bodner in chapter 15 of 2nd Samuel Absalom was gaining support and everyone loved him 'just like Kevin Federline'!. Another favorite quote referred to when King Saul was trying to kill david and Bodner said , 'David is in trouble, T -R-O-U-B-L-E, pink. (I hope all of you manage to get this joke) And last but not least when he talked about how Michal Loved David ( this is the only instance of where we read in the Deuteronomistic History that woman loved a man) Bodner said 'ladies and gentlemen Hillary Duff, the beat of my heart!' (now this could be double voiced speech, meaning that this statement meant more than what Bodner intended because the in this song she sings "the beat of my heart it tears us apart" just like Michal is torn away from David, Bodner may not have known the lyrics to this song). Okay sorry about all the learning that I am trying force upon you, I guess I just need to dump it somewhere.

Last Night I went and saw Kinky boots.... it was very funny! I am looking forward to seeing Xmen 3 , Pirates and Superman. It should be a good summer. Oh and last night I concluded that I have seen more movies in the month of may then i did in all of 2005. Wow - Andrea we need to do other things!

Today I am going downtown to shop, it should be good.

Tuesday, May 16, 2006

Is there a collusion at Nob?, is asking whether or not there was a secret agreement that existed between David and Ahimelek the priest. At this point in the narrative David is fleeing from Saul due to the attempts that have been made on his life. This visit to Ahimelek made by David has two parts. First there are the words that are exchanged between David and Ahimelek and what they appear to mean but there also is another purpose or meaning to their conversation. This other meaning can only be seen through the interpretation of the words and actions of both Ahimelek and David. Based on the interactions between David and Ahimelek I venture to argue that yes there is indeed a collusion that took place during the meeting at Nob. This secret agreement that is established between David and the priest is in a fact a covert plan to deceive Doeg the Edomite who remains hidden through out David and Ahimelek’s conversations. The first instance of deception begins when David is greeted by Ahimelek, the scripture says that he “trembled”. This trembling was not likely because he feared David but more over because Doeg’s loyalties do not lie with David. It says that Doeg the Edomite was Saul’s chief shepherd, and that he clearly supports Saul’s kingship. Ahimelek’s first words to David are “why are you alone, why is no one with you?” In order to understand the deception this message is not to be taken, as it appears, the real meaning in these questions to serve as a warning to David that they were in fact not alone. David then goes on to tell the priest that he is on a secret mission for Saul and that no one is to know any of the details. David holds up his deception by saying that he will rendezvous with his men at “such and such place”. In David never offering an exact location, it eliminates any chance of Doeg or anyone else attempting to verify his story. The question of food to the priest also continues the deception by making this visit to Nob to look like a routine stop for supplies. Up until this point in the narrative, Doeg has not been revealed. Upon his mention by the deuteronomists, the previous dialog between David and Ahimelek now has new meaning to the reader. Only after this introduction of Doeg the Edomite does David request a weapon from the priest. It is most likely that David does not trust the Edomite and prefers to have a weapon in his possession. Ahimelek tells David that the sword of Goliath, whom he killed in the Valley of Elah is behind the ephod. David did not need to be reminded that of the location where he killed the philistine champion, this victory was probably repeated by Ahimelek for two reasons. The first reason is to remind Doeg of David’s bravery and loyalty on behalf of Saul. Secondly this was possible said to intimidate Doeg. David was able to take down a giant, surely he would be able to take down the Edomite. Furthermore the fact that the sword of Goliath was being kept with Ahimelek also suggests a previous conversation concerning an alliance between these two. It has been recorded that after David paraded Goliath’s head through Jerusalem, David placed his sword in his tent. This offers the notion that somewhere in time between that day and now David and Ahimelek had interacted, thus establishing some sort of an alliance. To conclude, the happenings at Nob were in fact played out to be a deception against Doeg which was accomplished because of a previous arrangement made between David and Ahimelek.

Sunday, May 07, 2006

Ladies and Gentleman, here is my college tuition in the form of metal and rubber and chrome. Jokes, this is my dad's new motorcyle. Well this is the closest to it pic that I could find. The colours and make are the same, just that my dads has a second seat with a back rest for my mother. Pretty eh? I told him the colours were kinda girly and tha maybe he should give it to me. He didn't really go for it but I will work on it. Anyways Im at home in london right now, just about head off to the drive in for a double feature. Tiffany and I are seeing the benchwarmers and RV, so it should be a funny night! Later all!

By the way, MI3 was awesome, definitly go see it! at first i didn't really want to see the movie, just cause Tom Cruise is well quite annoying but it was killer!!!!!!

Thursday, May 04, 2006

So 'according to Jono' (meaning not always correct or true) there is bet going on how long it will take before I get sick of Andrea. Well I can tell you all that it is not going to happen. No one is going to make money off of us! so you might as well just keep your pennies in your pocket Jono!! YOU NEED THEM!!!!!!!

Football tonite at youth!

Wednesday, May 03, 2006

Wow, today was a very long day. I left the house at 9 am and headed from warden and shepherd to Tyndale, I took the warden bus then the steeles bus. From there I had to go to work at the Scott Mission which is located at College and Spadina.... that invovled the bayview bus, shepherd subway line, the yonge subway, the bloor subway line then back onto the yellow line followed by a 15 mintute walk to the mission. Then we had to go to the lawrence heights area (lawrence west subway stop). Thank goodness we got to take the van for this trip. Then after having a great time playing floor hockey ( I scored 4 goals!) We had to take the lawrence west bus, yonge subway line, the shepherd subway, the shepherd bus to get home! I went all over the TTC today..... and what is the whole point to this ....the subway builder people should not build a system we dead ends, just think, if the yellow line connected together and the purple line met up with the blue line, everyone's life would be easier!!!!!

On a much lighter note, today was beautiful day... I hope you all got outside and was able to enjoy God awesome creation!
love you all

Tuesday, May 02, 2006

Here is some funny and very true dumb laws in the United States....

-->If an elephant is left tied to a parking meter, the parking fee has to be paid just as it would for a vehicle.

It is considered an offense to push a live moose out of a moving airplane.

Mohave County: A decree declares that anyone caught stealing soap must wash himself with it until it is all used up.

Los Angeles: It is illegal for a man to beat his wife with a strap wider than 2 inches without her consent; You cannot bathe two babies in the same tub at the same time; You may not hunt moths under a street light; It is illegal to cry on the witness stand; Toads may not be licked; It is a crime for dogs to mate within 500 yards of a church (Breaking this law is punishable by a fine of $500 and/or six months in prison); Zoot suits are prohibited.

A man with a moustache may never kiss a woman in public.

In Marshalltown horses are forbidden to eat fire hydrants.

It's illegal to allow someone to use stilts while working on the construction of a building.

Pittsburgh: It is still illegal to bring a donkey or a mule onto a trolley car. No one is allowed to sleep on a refrigerator.

There is/was a law on the books in Washington state that stated that a motorcar driven at night must be preceded by something like 100 yards by a man carrying a lantern.

In West Virginia, it is legal for one to take roadkill home for dinner

thats all folks!!!!!!!!!!!