Friday, March 31, 2006

Fwd: fwd Please do this..... I am so sick of recieving those stupid banana republic gift card emails!!! AHHHHH the next person that sends one to me is gonna see me in a very scary way! Honestly folks...stop falling for it, nothing is EVER free. I mean think about it, the last time you clicked on one of those "Click here for a free Ipod" did you actually get one ...NO cause you hafta participate in one of their fantastic online offers first!! FRIG! Oh and whats the deal with the whole "you are our 100000000000 viewer for this page, click here to claim your prize... then you get the screen call this 1 800 number before your time runs out to get your prize. This one time I actually sat there and watched the time run, then I clicked refresh and it started all over again. SO does this mean that everyone is a winner? Ofcourse everyone is a friggin winner when you have pay to "WIN" your prize. Oh and to respond to Andrea's blog on junk mail....EVERY day I get some spam from a different name offering me a walmart gift card!!!!!!!!!!!!! its so annoying! --> OH and one more thing.... DONT SEND ME FORWARDS - unless it is something extremely important....but then again if it is... IM SURE I WILL HEAR ABOUT IT ON MY OWN....ITS CALLED THE NEWS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! wow I feel much better now.

Monday, March 27, 2006

Mastercard Platnum Please? Friday night the YG went to a Raptors Game, it was a pretty fun night. We had pretty good seats considering we only paid 24 bucks for them. There was about 20 of us and we basically took up an entire row. I sat next to Kate and Tim, we had some good times. Here is what I think that highlights of the game were....

1- The Raptors Kid Dance Pack- they wre pretty incredible, they tore up the floor!

2- The Sumo wrestling between LIL Raptor and the other team's mascott.

3- John's random crazy dancing...

4 - Sam Jo actually intensly into watching the basketball game

5- signing up for a credit card to get free t-shirts, Im pretty sure that everyone who was over 18 took advantage of this offer - the best part is that its for a platinum card...i bet my making 6000 /year made me a definite YES!

6- The subway ride home, taking crazy pics and acting as if we were the only people on the train

7- the last and the best moment of this night, the Raptors getting booed at a home game, after winning by about 20 points - all because they failed to get over 100 points so we all could get free pizza - it was fricken halarious - but seriously they had 97 and they were set up for a three pointer, the guy just didn't shoot.!!

All in all it was a fun night.

Tonite we went to the Meeting House for a worship service, it was fun. On the way home Trisha called me, it too was fun.
(trisha i said that just so you got your name in my blog again...LOL)

Oh and one more thing... this friday is the Tyndale spring banquet... which means that I am actually going to put on heels and a skirt... maybe i should get photo proof!

( oh I would also like to mention that in that photo i wasn't sitting on anything, i was doing a wall sit.... at ninety degrees... oh ya the leg power...)

Thursday, March 23, 2006

Excuse me sir.. can you pass me that canoeing stick? Hey guess what, I'm going to be the canoeing instructor at the WOODS this summer, fun eh? Upon hearing this new I have decided to start taking up canoeing. If figured I should start with buying my very own canoe, I went to the canoe store today (MEC) and looked at them, they were a little out of my price range but I bought one anyways. I picked the plastic one that looks little bit like a shoe that Princess Jazmine might wear. I asked the sales clerk if they could wrap and put it in a bag for me, he looked at me strangely.... now im thinkin, is it too much to ask for my purchases to be conviently put into a bag for me? I gave up and decided to put it on my head and walk out of the store, I headed down king street back to the subway. It was bit tricky getting it on as I wasn't allowed, but I told the TTC dude that is wasn't a canoe.... and he believed me! Anyways on the subway I was left with a moral dilemma, should I take up three seats with my canoe or stand akwardly with it in the corner, I took option C instead. I sat in my canoe and I invited other people to join me. No one did, and they kept telling me that is wasn;t a canoe, I was confused but then I caught on... they we in on it too, just like I told the TTC dude that is wasn't a canoe..the friendly people were helping me out!! So I finally reach finch station, climb on a bus, still using the same story 'but sir its not a canoe' and it worked again. As I passed center point mall ( yonge and steeles) I realized that I needed a book about canoeing.. I hopped off the bus with my rather large purchase and entred the mall in a hunt for the book store. I started to feel like the John Locke of lost as he hunted wild boare... his weapon a knife, my weapon a canoe, his jungle....well actually a jungle... my jungle well a mall full of people that I am trying very hard not to whack with Princess's Jazmines shoe. I finally caught my wild boar ( the ABCs of canoeing) I headed home with anticpation for reading my new book and testing out my new canoe!!! I rushed in the door, slide my canoe down the steps and hopped on the couch and opened the reading material that MEC provided me with.... it read " Getting started with your New Kayak"....huh what a funny name for a canoe, most people give their boats a girls name.......

I got it back! My body has made numerous sacfrices but its back! I gave myself the goal of finishing my English paper by wed nite, and I did it.... well technically I worked until 4 am...but its done.... a week early two. So what did I get back you may be wondering... well its my motivation to work. I had lost it there for a while... it was gone but the stess wasn't, but now I feel this great sense of peace. However I am extremely echausted, I woke up this morning with a stomach ache and a massive head ache... maybe I drank too much tea last nite.... Anyways I am looking forward to this weekend it should be pretty awesome. Friday nite is a Rapters game with the YG (someone remind me to bring my camera) , im not even really into watching basketball games but with our bunch of kids... you can't not have fun ( i know double negative)!!! And on saturday I m going shopping and out for dinner with my roomates... goodtimes.
On anther topic, today is picture day at school so I decided that the least I could do is wash my hair and put on a clean shirt.. its funny people have told me that I look good today, but I usually look the same everyday I really didn't put any extra effort into my appearace today... does that mean that I really don't look good and people are just saying it because its picture day and they assume that I tried to? Man that would suck!!!
ah well
what can you do!~
later........ ps Hi Trisha.... Amanda... Andrea.... and anyone else who reads this!!

Friday, March 17, 2006

Its 9:30 am and I was up till 2 last night, Im not entirely sure why I am awake, but I can't get back to sleep. So last night it was Ryan's 25th b-day bash at the Fox and the Fiddle down near Eglinton and Bayview it was good times. I decided that I would take the subway down as I had a ride to the station. So anyways down at the yonge area I gave up on my decision to walk to the pub as it was extremely cold outside. So I hopped on the first bus that came along. So the bus driver asks me where Im headed, I tell him and then he was like 'oh this bus goes right past that bar'. Then he proceded to ask me my age , what I do... blah blah blah... it felt a little bit like he was hitting on me... (he was like 30!) Anyways I just kept looking out the window hoping that we were almost there. THe party was good fun, got myself some chicken wings- they were really good and only 30 cents each! The whole night was good but I realized something, I never hang out with my school friends anymore. I really had nothing to talk about with most of them cause I barely even know them now (apart from Em ofcourse). Up until this year my whole life while at school was school but this year has been awesome...hanging with the great folks from Good Shepherd Community Church... and Trisha and all those crazy WOODS people. Good Times Guys- glad to have met you all!

Tuesday, March 14, 2006

Okay so today is just about the craziest day I have ever had.... im am currently at work, working for my school in the admissions department. Today the school is having this thing called an encounter day, its basically an opportunity for people to come and visit the campus. I am currently covering the reception desk for Rhonda, she talked me into it by saying 'it'll be great you can get paid to do your homework!' Pretty cool eh? Well ill tell ya if I had a second to actually get some of my essay done it would be pretty cool. Then again I did find about seven minutes to write this blog! Anyways my point is... you can already be busy and things can get a whole lot more busy! Wow that wasn't profound at all. Ah well, no reads these things anyways right? So working in the admission office is really run, someone bought two containers of two bite brownies and Kathy and I went to town on them, but eventually we decided to put them away. Well this blog needs to come to end as my shift is going to be over in about 15 mintutes.

Oh and the department is taking us to a Rapters Game tomorrow !!!! how fun it that!!!!

Monday, March 13, 2006

OKay so today I went to see Mrs Henderson Presents... now I didn't really know much about the movie going into it. Actually pretty much I had never heard of it but Andrea suggested it and I thought it could be good. The film was different, it had well I guess you could call it 'artistic nudity'. But still in all senses... awkward!! The film takes place in London in the 1940 s its about a widow who buys a theatre and puts on an original production that shocked the people of the Uk. It was funny. Anyways after the movie we walked back from Kennedy and 401 to Warden and Shepherd... it was a long walk... well it seemed long because I had no idea where the heck we were going! But still good times. The day came to end going to small group , playing an absolutely intense game of snakes and ladders, this game is very difficult... who knew? ( I shoulda won, everyone else was Then we played Uno and cheat... mind you there was quite the cheaters too... To finish off another round in the hot tup.... literally it was round two - dunk heads in water- 2006! And I course i ruled in this game(hehe) Oh ya Andrea and I bought some mini water guns for 16 cents each.. Best three dollars and forty-five cents i ever spent!, those little guns produced seconds of long lasting fun!! After the guns another intense game called 'I have never' JOno got out so fast that we decided that everyone would get 20 chances until they were out instead of 10. ahh good times....

Saturday, March 11, 2006

So like i said last nite... actually more like early this morn, I was gonna go downtown and have some alone time. And I did and it was great. The sun is shining, its so warm outside. I walked up and down yonge street looking in store windows, listening to Chris Tomlin on my Mp3 player. I really needed to get out, you know back to reality.. a place that wasn't church or Tyndale. I am already starting to feel better, I feel motivated to actually do some homework and possible even clean the apartment, I know that my roomates would really like that! As I walked in my own silence I started to sort through my feelings, I realized that its not that I have do desire to do anything... Im actually trying to do too much and when it comes time to things like homework I just have no energy left. I haven't decided if I need to cut something out of my life or just manage my time better but I do plan to make some sort of changes to my daily and weekly routines.

Oh and on a side note: Many already know this but I decided to give up watching the TV show FRIENDS for Lent. Now you may be thinking what kind of sacrifice is that? Well my roomate owns seven seasons and I own one and together we would watch this show pretty much every waking moment that we had.. so as its been over week now, i feel good about it, i spend less time on front of the TV, i do miss the show but not bad enough that Im drivin to thinking about how much i miss it.
Well I should probably go start my history paper or something......
okay so a few days ago it was "im having a down week", now my mood has switched to this wrestless , anger , stressed state. I spent the day indoors, i didn't go on the retreat for work.. for some reason it just didn't feel right... the idea of trying to minister to kids while my own life is such a mess just doesn't feel like the best idea to me... now some of you may just be thinking that I need just suck it up... its probably true, but I just can't seem to shake this strange mood. I even had a relatively good time hanging out in the hot-tub with some friends on thursday night but in the long run I still feel crappy! I am going to be pretty much alone all day saturday and I hope that I can use my constructively, weather permitting I am thinking of heading downtown to just walk around and spend some time with God. In my head it sounds like a good idea but I have never just gone somewhere alone, I guess its because I didn't want people to think that I am loner or something. I think it would be good for me to spend some time alone, reading my bible and praying. And why would I choose downtown? I'm not sure, maybe because there are lots of people and because Im starting to feel disconnected from people it seems like a good place to start. Well I just checked the weather and there is a high of 10 degrees for tomorrow. So far all signs point to yes.... I think I will have my first downtown adventure...ALONE! Wait... I won't be alone.......

Wednesday, March 08, 2006

I'm having one of those "down weeks". I'm not entirely sure why though because on Monday I went downtown with Andrea to shop and then we met up with Jono, Chris and Erika for some dinner and a great game of darts. But now im depressed, stressed and getting a little bit sick. Life has been such a high lately that I kind of forgot to have my quiet time with God, ya I still spent time in prayer but I wasn't in constant converation with God. Somtimes it is so easy to neglect your quiet time when you live in a christian bubble, and mine is rather large, church, christian school and two jobs with christian organizations. Now don't get me wrong I don't want to come off complaining, I guess my point is mainly for myself, I need to get up off my spirtually lazy butt and get back to God. I have let so many things in my life drag since I got back from my trip, I haven't been able to focus in school, my midterm marks are disgusting! I haven't really started one of the five papers that I need to finish, plus I still haven't started to look for a place to live in may. I am not sure where my motivation went but I need to find it soon, before this goes on any longer, and I know where it will start.... I need to start with God.